Our speakers
Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli
CEO, EUROfusion
Maks Giordano
Digital Stratege & Innovationsspezialist, GEN AI Experte
Søren Mose
Verwaltungsratspräsident, TWINT AG
Verena Pausder
Chairwoman, Startup Association Germany
Hans Rusinek
Economist and philosopher, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
Dr. Hannah Schragmann
Business ethicist & productivity expert
Prof. Lior Wolf
CEO & Co-Founder, Mentee Robotics
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
Professor and Director, ETH Zurich | Space
ETH Industry Day
Prof. Benjamin Grewe
Professor am Institut für Neuroinformatik, ETH Zürich & Co-Founder, Alpine AI
ETH Industry Day
Prof. Marco Hutter
Leiter des Labors für Robotersysteme & Direktor, ETH-Zentrum für Robotik
ETH Industry Day
Matthias Rebellius
CEO, Siemens Smart Infrastructure & Member of the Managing Board, Siemens AG
Hosted Session